How to Draw Anime Moe Heads

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  4. How to Draw Moe Characters (Face & Body)

How to Draw Moe Characters (Face & Body)

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Product Name: How to Draw Moe Characters (Face & Body)

Publisher: Hobby Japan
Publication Month: December 2010
Specifications: B5 size, 175 pages
Language: Japanese

Are you having a hard time drawing your favorite moe character? Or are you looking to improve and become the next big manga artist? How to Draw Moe Characters pinpoints all the exact details you need to make your character more realistic and even more moe than before!

From the basics to new techniques, the book breaks down the four parts of a moe character: face and body, proportion, poses, and fashion. Coloring techniques are also included to bring your characters to life. The drawings provided in the book will help aspiring manga artists reach the next level! Try creating your own original character with the help of this guidebook!

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Size Chart

Size Width x Height (mm) Width x Height (in) Size Width x Height (mm) Width x Height (in)
A0 841 × 1189 33.1 × 46.8 B0 1030 × 1456 40.6 × 57.3
A1 594 × 841 23.4 × 33.1 B1 728 × 1030 28.7 × 40.6
A2 420 × 594 16.5 × 23.4 B2 515 × 728 20.3 × 28.7
A3 297 × 420 11.7 × 16.5 B3 364 × 515 14.3 × 20.3
A4 210 × 297 8.3 × 11.7 B4 257 × 364 10.1 × 14.3
A5 148 × 210 5.8 × 8.3 B5 182 × 257 7.2 × 10.1
A6 105 × 148 4.1 × 5.8 B6 128 × 182 5.0 × 7.2

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How to Draw Anime Moe Heads


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