Family Duties or Responsibilities of Women in the 1800s in England

Elizabeth II biography

Elizabeth Two is one of the most influential women in the earth, the head of the Windsor dynasty, who has been the Queen of Britain and Northern Ireland for more than 65 years. She is a flexible politico who is able to defend her opinion; she is a symbol of her country and enjoys particular popularity and dearest of the people.

In the photo: Queen Elizabeth II

In the photo: Queen Elizabeth 2

Childhood and family

Elizabeth 2 is the eldest girl of Prince Albert, born on April 21, 1926, at Bruton Street in Mayfair mansion during the reign of George V, who was her grandfather. The full proper noun of the monarch is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. The girl received the name in honor of her mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.

Elizabeth II in childhood

Elizabeth II in childhood

In 1936, afterwards two decades of reign, Rex George, who loved his granddaughter very much, died. The throne passed to Edward Eight. In the name of love for the cute Wallis Simpson, a divorced American woman, he abdicated the throne. The story of Edward and Miss Simpson is considered i of the greatest honey stories of the 20th century, and information technology was this story that led Elizabeth's father to the British throne. He was crowned as George Four in May 1937.

Elizabeth with her parents (center)

Elizabeth with her parents (center)

The next contender for the throne was considered Henry, the brother of George Iv, but he refused the office of heir to the throne in favor of Princess Elizabeth, who at that time was barely 11 years sometime.

As befits a princess, Elizabeth studied the humanities and the exact sciences, only she paid special attention to the law, including international, and received a decent pedagogy without leaving the palace. The princess's pride was her excellent knowledge of French, which she learned on her ain.

During World War II, the future queen drove and repaired cars

During World State of war Two, the time to come queen drove and repaired cars

In 1940, Princess Elizabeth get-go spoke on the radio: the 13-year-one-time daughter from Buckingham Palace supported children, who had suffered from Nazi bombings. Princess Elizabeth's sincere words instilled hope in the British people, and she won sympathy even among the citizens, who were critical of the crown.

In 1943, the princess officially took up the position of adviser. Contrary to pop belief, Elizabeth did non perform military service but was in the women'southward cocky-defense detached force, she learned to drive an ambulance, thereby setting an example for women in Britain.

In 1947, on her altogether, Elizabeth again spoke on the radio, assuring the British people that her whole life would be devoted to Britain. In the same year, her union to Philip, Prince of Denmark took place.

Elizabeth II in her youth

Elizabeth Ii in her youth

The gradually aggravating wellness of her father and the unfavorable forecasts of the doctors required the almost abiding presence of the future queen during official receptions, meetings, and negotiations. By the beginning of 1951, no ane had any doubts that he had but a few months left to live, and Elizabeth unofficially took up her duties as a monarch.

Queen Elizabeth with her husband in her youth

Queen Elizabeth with her husband in her youth


The news of the death of George Iv overtook the princess in Republic of kenya, where, together with her husband, she spent several days at the Treetops Hotel, nestled among the branches of a huge centuries-old tree. According to some data, on February seven, 1952, in the hotel's guest registration volume a record appeared that for the commencement time in the entire history of civilization the princess climbed a tree but came down from it similar a queen.

Coronation of Elizabeth II

Coronation of Elizabeth 2

The coronation of the young queen took place on June 2, 1953, in the ancient cathedral of Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was broadcast on national British television, which contributed to the growth in popularity of the new monarch. Millions of Britons literally froze at the television sets, trying not to miss the slightest detail of the most spectacular and beautiful outcome in the history of Britain.

In spite of the fact that in the post-war years the economy had just begun a long menstruum of recovery, a huge amount of money was allocated from the treasury for the festive decoration of the streets. The snow-white satin apparel for the coronation ceremony was created by the court tailor Norman Hartnell. It was embroidered with the national emblems of United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and the Commonwealth countries ‒ English roses, Canadian maple leaves, and Irish clover, as well every bit other flowers that take symbolic meaning for U.k..

Elizabeth II with her husband Philip

Elizabeth II with her hubby Philip

In the gilded open ceremonial carriage harnessed with viii grey horses, the queen and her husband proceeded to Westminster Abbey, where the royal festive wedding ceremony took place.


In strict accordance with the existing tradition of parliamentary monarchy, the Queen performs functions that are exclusive representative in nature, and she does not take the right to exert influence over the governance of the country. After the coronation, Elizabeth II made a 6-month bout of the British colonies, countries of the Democracy, and many countries of the world.

Elizabeth II ‒ Queen of Britain

Elizabeth II ‒ Queen of Britain

During her reign, the Queen met with politicians, entrepreneurial leaders, scientists, and cultural figures. Among celebrities who were honored to visit Buckingham Palace in different years were Elizabeth Taylor, Yuri Gagarin, and The Beatles, likewise every bit presidents of different countries.

Elizabeth II and Vladimir Putin

Elizabeth II and Vladimir Putin

Fearing that the reputation of the British royal house would suffer from the rumors that have grown over the unhappy marriage of Elizabeth's son, Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, as well as caring for the happiness of her son, the Queen insisted on a divorce, the procedure of which was started in 1996. Some function of British order did not corroborate of the queen's act, but later on the British had to admit that she was right.

Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth II

Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth II

In the media, Elizabeth II was repeatedly called the queen of human hearts. The humanity and kindness of this woman, remaining true to her solemn oath, which she took back in 1953, is the key to her popularity amidst the people. As caput of the Windsor dynasty, the Queen remembers the sad events associated with the marriage of Prince Charles to the unloved girl, and, according to her, she bears personal responsibility for the welfare of her family members. That is why she for so long did non give her permission for the nuptials of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who, firstly, is an actress (which is not the most acceptable profession for a princess), and secondly, has already been legally married.

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

The news of the first in the history of the royal family unit same-sex marriage between Ivar Mountbatten, the cousin of Duke Philip, and his beloved James Coyle made a lot of racket. The spousal relationship anniversary took place in 2018 in the canton of Devon, however, neither the Queen nor her hubby was present.

Ivar Mountbatten and James Coyle

Ivar Mountbatten and James Coyle

Elizabeth II personal life

In his youth, Prince Philip, the grandson of the King of Greece, was a tall and well-proportioned blond, who was amazingly handsome. In 1937, at a tea party in Dartmoor, the young human being did not immediately notice a xiii-year-old girl, who couldn't avert her rapturous glance from him. After the end of the reception this girl, Princess Elizabeth, locked herself in her room and wrote a letter to the handsome prince.

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's wedding

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's wedding

The friendship that began with the exchange of letters turned into love. Rex George did non approve of his daughter's choice: it is known that he did non like the friendship of Philip's father, Prince Andrew of Greece, with Adolf Hitler. In add-on, the prince was poor, and he had zippo but the title, blue blood, and tender beloved for Elizabeth.

Prince Charles and Princess Anna with their parents

Prince Charles and Princess Anna with their parents

In early on 1940, Elizabeth and Philip secretly got engaged, and the rex had to give in and allow marriage, which was destined to go ane of the happiest and longest marriages in modern history. The relationship of Queen Elizabeth and Knuckles Philip is considered to exist exemplary, but few people realize that for the sake of his Queen, Philip renounced the royal title and changed the Orthodox faith, in which he had been baptized, into Catholicism.

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

In 1948, Elizabeth gave nascence to her first child, Prince Charles. The second child was Princess Anna, who was born 2 years afterward. The tertiary child of the majestic family unit, Prince Andrew, was born in 1960, and the fourth 1, Prince Edward, was born in 1964.

Elizabeth II with her husband Philip and children

Elizabeth 2 with her married man Philip and children

Since her youth, the Queen's main hobbies take been equus caballus riding and dog breeding. She has a special dear for the corgi dog breed, which is considered the regal dog throughout Europe.

Queen Elizabeth Two at present

Despite her age, Elizabeth continues to fulfill her duties and represent the interests of United kingdom in unlike countries of the globe. In 2017, defending the right to her ain opinion, she openly blamed Mr.Trump for his inappropriate behavior, every bit well every bit Kim Jong-un's warlike policy, and in 2018, she expressed the hope that she would wait until the time when Russia would be ruled not past Mr. Putin, but by another person "who had non lost touch with reality".

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth 2

As enshrined in the traditions of ramble monarchy, the queen must non interfere in politics, however, the authority of Elizabeth II and her long reign allowed her to influence the course of events in a certain way. Queen Elizabeth Two is the most influential woman in the world, but, as many researchers note, she has never used her influence for personal purposes.

In 2019, the Republican part of the British population was dissatisfied with the growth of grants for the maintenance of Queen Elizabeth Two-the amount reached 82 million pounds, and the total expenses of the courtroom amounted to 300 million.

The Queen'south Coronavirus broadcast

In April 2020, Elizabeth II addressed the nation in connection with the coronavirus pandemic in the U.k. – this was the fifth extraordinary appeal in all 68 years of her reign.


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